Part 58: Tyria's Binary Field, Part 3d
The next morning came, as they sadly always do.Video Record- Tyria 3d

Watch (fully voiced)

...Huh? What's this note?

"Thank you for being with me today, but if we stayed together any longer, it would be too hard to say goodbye."
"So, I've decided to say farewell to you like this."
"Thank you very much for everything you've done for me up to today."

I wonder why... He's never done anything like that before.
His phone rang. Labo Labo was calling with terrible news.

Labo Labo: Otto Masakado, where are you at right now!?

Labo Labo: This is urgent! Tyria is about to start singing the Song!

Labo Labo: It was Kurogane's order. Right now, he's in the Sonic Room with her...

What's going on!?
He rushed down to the Kurogane Lab.

The whole place was in chaos, which made it easy for him to reach the Sonic Room.

...Hmm, no it's not. What's wrong with this door?
(It's usually locked electronically, and can only be unlocked by scanning a registered agent's fingerprints.)
(Is the door broken? No. If it was, then it wouldn't have been locked the first time around.)
(When I was doing this the second time, I got shot right after I locked the door from the inside.)
(So, if I open the door, then there's no doubt that I'll get shot again.)
It turned out to have been a good idea that he talked to Sake and Finelle, because if he hadnt had their Hyumas he wouldnt have had any chance.

Autumnal Chill: Well, yeah, kind of.
Wintry Wind: The expiration date is today. Are you saying it's time for us to do something for you?

Autumnal Chill: Try to feel as though you're on an Aegis Carrier...
Wintry Wind: Can I blow this door away? I won't go easy on it.

Wintry Wind: Alright, let's do it! Silver detonation!

They burst into the room, and as it happened Aotos instincts were dead on.

Autumnal Chill: I won't let ya! Barrier!

Kurogane: Gh! Nuoohhh!

Both of them went over the edge in the struggle, with Tyria desperately trying to keep them both from falling to their respective dooms.

Kurogane: How pathetic...
This is how my precious project, that I spent years working on, comes to an end? It was ruined by a lowly bodyguard!

That's why I protected her. You should praise me for my perfect performance.
Kurogane: Shut up, you son of a bitch. At this rate, Tyria...

That was your true aim all along! You're taking advantage of her feelings. You never wanted her to become the Tower.

It actually really interests me that even with her feelings for him Tyrias Binary Field accepts that Kurogane was this much of a monster.

Kurogane: That wouldn't stop her from becoming the Tower anyway. The Tower itself will be created.
Although premature, it will still be the Tower.

Kurogane: Heh heh heh...hahahahaha! My calculations were correct!
Otto Masakado, for Tyria, your life has become a lot more important than you realized.

You spent the night together last night, did you not? Tyria opened herself up to you, so it was worth a shot.

In the end, though, Kurogane was left with only one way to carry out his plan. I will say that I at least have to give respect to the fact that he didnt explain his plans at length so they could be undone, that always annoys me.

Kurogane: I was reculculating my whole plan. Ah, this will be successful.

Kurogane: That's a bad way of putting it. This is an amendment to my blueprints, so to speak.
I can't tell whether this will succeed or not, but this is the best I can do at this point...

Why do you need the Tower to be created premature!? Are you Anti-AAA!?
Kurogane: ...It will cause nothing but pain to continue this conversation with a true idiot like yourself.
Figure out the rest by yourself, unless you really are an idiot.

Kurogane: Tyria...the crystallization of my best artwork throughout my entire life.
I hope you become the Tower... And put an end to my gruesome passage of retaliation...

Kurogane let go, freeing Tyrias other hand to help Aoto up. it! We're saved!

...But...the Chairman...


Though I was just an object to him, he still loved me... So, I was satisfied with the way he treated me.
Although premature and imperfect, he did everything he could to help me become the Tower.
So, I'm still thankful to him.
Its seriously amazing that essentially the same Aoto actually came up with this stuff. If he would actually act on not being a terrible person in the real world thatd be nice.

But that doesn't matter. Humans and Reyvateils are both people! We're all alive.
I'm a bodyguard for people, Tyria! My contract never said anything about being museum security!

You're a person, Tyria! I don't care who says what about it, I'll never give up on this!

That may be why I chose to like you.

But, why did he try to make an imperfect Tower out of you?
If you were the Chairman's masterpiece, shouldn't he want to make you perfect?
Tyria had one possible explanation, though the only man who knew for sure was in no position to confirm.

Since the construction of the Third Tower was put on hold, his research has been hit with a lack of funding.
It's hard to imagine how hard that must've been for him to accept.

And that's why he tried to make the Tower premature...?

Whatever happened to him, he would never get involved with Anti-AAA terrorists.
...Kurogane tried to turn me into the Tower, right? So he wanted me to become the Tower, though a bit premature...
Once I transformed into the Tower, the culmination of his research, I could never be stolen or trampled upon.

(He thought, by doing so, her mind would be disturbed, and she would become an imperfect Tower...)
...For Chairman Kurogane, he must've seen everything in the world as a tool to further his own ambitions.

Yet, he still loved me. He treasured me as a tool.
And that truly made me happy.
...You valued me for the person I am. That may make me even...
...No, nevermind.
Though the most immediate problem had been dealt with, a second one was looming.

Yes...I'll sing the Song and become the Tower.

Sure, it's still my dream, but that's not why I want to become the Tower.

This is a sanctuary for all humans who dream of the planet's revival, the Kurogane Lab.
If I refuse to sing here, a whole crowd of humans will come to get me shortly.

And on top of that, you sound like you don't want to sing the Song anymore.

I just feel like I should sing the Song...

What she really needed was a reason not to sing.

You promised that you'd always protect me, no matter what, remember?

I also appreciate that she actually called him on not living up to it.

So...what do you wanna do?

And I'll always be with you. But you have to protect me at all times.
So, please, get me out of this danger.

Oh their escape was incredible by the way. There was like a boulder chasing them and Aoto jumped through a door with a pair of guns for absolutely no reason. It was probably the best part of the whole thing. Youre going to have to take my word for it, because I sort of recorded over it by accident. Anyway, its a good thing time experienced compresses amazingly well in the Binary Field.

At least I didnt make you put up with years of this stuff.

They actually had a good plan for escaping Tyrias fate.

Tyria was a target of assassination for them, but once she became a refugee, it was a totally different story.
They decided it would be more beneficial to keep us in their custody than to kill us.
By keeping Tyria close at hand, the lab couldn't attack them.
And thanks to their guards, we've been able to live a peaceful life.

And...I want to share our happiness with one more person.

But, you know...

Actually, I want to enjoy this life of ours together a bit longer. That way, I can monopolize even more of your time.

And somehow, despite all the odds, they reached a proper happy ending.

Her developers snuck credits into Tyrias soul programs, by the way.

Aoto and Tyria were dumped back into her raw Binary Field.

First of all, I remember the Song, so you don't even need to enter my Binary Field. What are you still doing here!?

...I'm sorry. I was curious about so many things, that I wanted to do it again.

...Your feelings maybe...

The tension was broken by the arrival of a Hyuma.

Grace: Ta da! I'm grateful Grazie! Here I am!

Grace: You're so mean! I came out to celebrate with you for beating the game!

Grace: Yes! You remember? That's why I came out to say congratulations for reaching a new denouement.
I'm like a token of your victory. You should cherish me.
The Hyuma, Grazie, has been unlocked!
Grace: See you later!

If you're done, go home, alright? Buh bye. Ciao!
Theres a bit more to this story, but thatll have to wait for next time. Itll be worth the wait.